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‘mighty mushrooms’ Category

  1. Fungi’s Lessons for Adapting to Life

    January 9, 2021 by admin

    Merlin Sheldrake’s new book Entangled Life looks at the complex world of fungi, its adaptive ability, and its interconnectedness with all other forms of life. He spoke with Robert Macfarlane,…

    Source: Fungi’s Lessons for Adapting to Life on a Damaged Planet



    Sometime I look at a branching tree and think “Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell”

    In light of these discoveries, many biologists have begun to reimagine the tree of life as a reticulate mesh formed as lineages not only branch, but fuse and merge with one another. Strands of the mesh loop in and out of the realm of viruses—entities that many don’t consider to be living organisms at all—and make it clear that life shades off into non-life gradually. If anyone wanted a new poster organism for evolution they needn’t look far. It is a vision of life that resembles fungal mycelium more than anything else.

  2. Matango (1963) trailer – YouTube

    January 21, 2013 by Newman

    Matango (1963) trailer – YouTube.

    These mushrooms are NOT healthy. Japanese horror film from the 60s featuring mushrooms as the monsters.

  3. Morel Mushroom Festival 2013 Brown County Indiana

    January 11, 2013 by Newman

    Morel Mushroom Festival 2013 Brown County Indiana


  4. Fungi Discovered In The Amazon Will Eat Your Plastic | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation

    March 4, 2012 by Newman

    Fungi Discovered In The Amazon Will Eat Your Plastic | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation.


    A mushroom that eats… what?  Polyurethane? apparently so.  I knew that the mushroom would play a vital role in saving the earth.  I wonder if there is such a thing as water mushrooms to clean up that pacific gyre



  5. Where do we go when we die? Jae Rhim Lee Answers

    February 15, 2012 by Newman

    Where do we go when we die? It’s a simple and profoundly human question.  Simple enough for a child to ask.  Profound enough to drive humanity as a whole to every corner of our civilization  and back again.

    Hehe – It never stuck me as important.  “Not my chair, not my problem” as Dan Deacon says.  I’m not around to care – after I die. And, no one really knows, cause no one comes back.[I believe in Jesus – that’s another post]

    No one comes back… yet we treat dead bodies LIKE they do.  Mummies meant to last eternity in metal and plastic boxes and filled with chemicals.  The most natural of human functions (next to taxes!) couldn’t be farther from being NATURAL.

    So, it’s a problem, yeah? It is. And, Jae has a solution.




    I imagine the Infinity Mushroom as a symbol of a new way of thinking about death and the relationship between my body and the environment. (Jae Rhim Lee)

    Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit | Video on